Bob Kleinschmidt

Artist Statement

What I have made art about has always on some level been autobiographical, sometimes specifically more often obliquely. But always with the underlying faith that if I keep myself excited (my chief obligation) others out there with whom I share the gene pool may also find a response.

Often this has taken the form of a fixation with a personal symbol-an object, animal, or figure which seems to carry more meanings and metaphoric extensions for me than other objects. For example, moles seem to have something to say about living a life; a possum skull emerging from a family anecdote leads to varied reflections. I’m not always able to analyze the metaphoric connections; sometimes it’s better not to.

Occasionally there are responses (or homages) to a specific event. Collaboration is about a dance piece that moved me. Red Blanket is about the death of a beloved student and friend.

Why prints (as opposed to paintings or drawings)? Part of the answer is the intrigue (and convenience) of the multiple product. It can even come down to acquisitive greed. But beyond that, you can get hooked on the processes, the equipment, and the subtleties of the surface. There is a joy about the simple act of vertical pressure imparting a full-blown image to the paper. These values survive even when the multiple product has been abandoned, as in monoprint.

In general, I feel that when my images are working best, an exterior of rather silly humor houses the more serious business of ongoing self­discovery.